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2016 MCC Participants and Advocates

We have been absolutely thrilled with this year’s Maryland Charity Campaign participation. Maryland has some of the most creative and smart people on the planet — and they are all giving to the charities participating in our campaign and making the world a better place. See for yourself!

Have news of your own to share? Just email and we’ll spread the word. And if you Tweet about it or share on Facebook and use the Campaign hashtag #MCCMatters, we’ll pass it on!

Ready to give? Just click here or the words “Maryland Charity Campaign” at the top of this page to take you back to the homepage, where you can choose “Create Your Account” or “Give Now” to get started.

Challenge Videos

MD DHCD CommunicationsMaryland Charity Campaign – DHCD Challenges DGS

First, he made you an offer you couldn’t refuse. The Godfather of Housing and Community Development, Ken Holt, challenged the Department of General Services to a Maryland Charity Campaign contest:

Maryland Charity Campaign – DHCD Challenges DGS Part 2

Now, the Godfather is here to reassure Mr. Ness that his time in the dunking tank won’t include cement shoes:

#22for22Challenge Videos

Mark Belton – #22for22challenge


Maryland Department of Natural Resources Executive Team – #22for22challenge


DHCD Takes The 22 Push-up Challenge

22 for 22 Challenge – Resource Assessment Service – Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Maryland State Police 22 for 22 Challenge


22 for 22 Challenge – Maryland Park Service – Maryland Department of Natural Resources

22 for 22 Challenge – Chesapeake and Coastal Service – Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Tug of War Videos

 Maryland Department of Natural ResourcesTug of War Challenge – 2016 Maryland Charity Campaign

MdAgDept – 2016 Maryland Charity Campaign – Tug Of War Response

Chesapeake Bay Cabinet Tug-of-War Challenge video – 2016 Maryland Charity Campaign

News: Tug of War Challenge Winner!

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) won against their Chesapeake Bay Cabinet colleagues and competitors at the Tug-of-War Challenge on Thursday, November 3. The department went undefeated (as DNR says: “once again”), beating both the Maryland Department of Agriculture and the Department of Planning in the finale.

1. Maryland Department of Natural Resources
2. Maryland Department of Planning
3. Maryland Department of Agriculture
4. Maryland Dept. Of The Environment

Together they raised more than $1,000 for The Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins. AMAZING!! We are beyond grateful for this friendly and spirited competition in the name of raising critical money for important, worthy causes. Check out this fantastic group of people below, and all the photos here.


Kick Off Videos

Maryland Department of Natural Resources – Maryland Charity Campaign – 2016 Kick off Video

Frostburg State Supports the Maryland Charity Campaign

UMBC Life2016 Maryland Charity Campaign Special Message from President Hrabowski

Maryland Department of Natural Resources – AccessDNR October 2016

Maryland Charity Campaign Videos

Let the good times roll! Below you’ll find our videos we created in support of the Campaign.

2016 Maryland Charity Campaign – participating charity slideshow

2016 Maryland Charity Campaign – animated video plus Maryland officials

Maryland Governor Hogan, Secretary Wobensmith, and Lt. Governor Rutherford about the MCC