2018 MCC Participants and Advocates
Maryland Employees and Retirees Give a little – Help a Lot!
Every year, thousands of Maryland’s Employees and Retirees give back through the Maryland Charity Campaign (MCC). And they have fun in the process! Events across the State bring colleagues together for a laugh, a nosh, and ultimately to help raise the awareness about this important Campaign. Often, Departments/Agencies challenge each other to help raise even more funds for the greater good. After all, funds raised through the Campaign help the most vulnerable among us. Each donation or pledge truly makes a long-lasting impact. What’s not to celebrate?
Click here to view our YouTube playlist of the MCC kick-offs, Secretary Belton’s Thanksgiving message, the State Center Family Feud Season 2 Challenge, and Deputy Secretary Throwe’s MCC video.
How Are You Celebrating the MCC?
Whether it’s a Department/Agency challenge, a fundraising party, or other efforts to drum up support, we’d love to share what you do on this page and on Facebook and Twitter! Just email your photos and/or videos to marcom@charities.org with a short description and outcome of the event (number of attendees, dollars raised, etc.) and we’ll pass it on. Include your social media handles if you’d like us to tag you.
Ready to Give?
Just click here or the words “Maryland Charity Campaign” at the top of this page to take you back to the homepage, where you can choose “Give Now” to get started.
Kickoff Celebrations
Tuesday, October 9, 2018: MCC Kickoff Baltimore (O’Connor Building)
The MCC is off to a great start! On October 9, some MCC leaders who help organize the Campaign joined with participating charities and area Employees for the first kickoff in Baltimore. At the event, Maryland’s leaders spoke, the MCC’s new video was debuted, Employees got a chance to connect with charities and learn more during the charity fair, and donors wishing to give right away were able to pledge online at a secure donation station. Check out the highlights!
Photo credits: Thanks to the Department of Juvenile Services (@MarylandDJS) for posting these photos on Twitter.
- Top left: MCC leadership is all smiles. From left: 2018 MCC Assistant Vice Chair and Department of General Services’ Secretary Churchill; Secretary of State Wobensmith; 2018 MCC Assistant Vice Chair Maryland Department of Juvenile Services’ Secretary Abed; and MCC Administrator Lori Parks.
- Top right: A 2018 MCC Assistant Vice Chair, Secretary Abed, welcomes guests and kicks off the Campaign.
- Center left: Seen here are MCC kickoff participants. At the podium is Lori Parks, MCC Administrator.
- Center right: Sign language interpreter and Maryland Secretary of State Wobensmith. In the crowd are MCC kickoff participants.
- Bottom left: There are so many reasons to celebrate the Maryland Charity Campaign! Secretary Wobensmith (left of podium), Secretary Abed (right of podium), Christine Erdinc (with microphone), and Secretary Churchill (right of Christine), kick up their heels over the MCC’s launch.
- Bottom right: The MCC pep squad — former MCC Coordinators (but forever MCC cheerleaders) Terry Lancaster and Christine Erdinc — get everyone pumped to give and make an impact in the community.
See the rest of the photos on Flickr!
Wednesday, October 10, 2018: MCC Kickoff Annapolis (Miller Senate Office Building)
October 10 saw our second day of MCC kickoffs, this time in Annapolis! It was another exciting day of celebrating social good with a charity fair where Employees connected with participating charities, good information about the Campaign such as why and how we can all give a little – help a lot, and much more.
- Top left: The Maryland State Police Color Guard performs the raising of the colors.
- Top right: MCC Assistant Vice Chair and Department of General Services’ Secretary Churchill welcomes guests and launches the Campaign.
- Center left: Event leaders, including Maryland Secretary of State Wobensmith (left) and Secretary Churchill (right) get the crowd pumped up.
- Center right: The Campaign begins!
- Bottom left: Maryland’s Employees, charities, and community come together for the common good through the MCC.
- Bottom right: Even our furry friends came to celebrate the MCC.
See the rest of the photos from the day on our Flickr album.
Celebrations Across Maryland
Department of General Services Secretary, and MCC Assistant Vice Chair, Ellington Churchill and Department of Housing & Community Development Secretary Ken Holt, wrote and played an original song. As they said, they are “rocking and rolling for charity!” Watch their video on Facebook
Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Deputy Secretary Jim Ports discusses contributing to MCC charities during an open house for the Campaign at MDOT HQ. Watch the video on Twitter
MDOT’s Andre Freeman meets Jubilee, a harlequin macaw, and handler Alex Rose with one of the 800 pre-approved charities that donors can support through the Campaign, at MDOT’s open house for the MCC at MDOT HQ. View the photo on Twitter
The Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) hosted the Fall Festival at State Center and filled these baskets with delicious goodies in support of the MCC. View all of the photos on Facebook
Additional MDOT Photos
Department of General Services hosts a Ravens Purple Friday themed lunch with fun and games.
Be Someone Else’s Inspiration for Giving!
Did you pledge or donate to a cause you love through the MCC? Shout it out! The #1 people give is because they are asked. Please ask via social media! Post to Facebook or Tweet about what the MCC means to you – and make sure you include the Campaign hashtag #MCCMatters so we can “like” and share your post to amplify your message. Feel free to copy and paste from our Outreach Tool Kit and Graphics for Social Media.